Report Drug Activity Form
Please use this form to report drug activity
All fields marked with an asterisk “*” are optional. If you would like us to respond to you, please leave us your email address or phone number.
Information needed to help investigators with your complaint include: Location: Exact address (if possible) or description of location. Suspects: Names – full names, any personal information will help. Description: Height, weight, hair color, eye color, complexion, type of clothing worn, ethnic background Vehicles: License plate numbers (Hawaii, California, etc.) of any vehicles used by the suspects, description of vehicles (color, 1 or 2 door, etc.) Drugs: Type of drug that you believe is being sold or used. Activity: What type of activity is happening to make you believe that possible drug dealing is occurring. Vehicles coming and going at all hours, Loud parties all the time, People coming and going frequently Date and Time: Note the time that the illegal activity is occurring (try to be accurate. Example: During the morning hours between 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. This helps the investigator). Contact Number: Complaints can be made anonymously, but a name and contact number or email can help the investigator greatly. All information is kept confidential.
Report Drug Activity