News Releases 2020
12/22/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Leads Coalition in Support of Transgender Student Athletes
12/21/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Challenges Unlawful Attempt to Limit Work Authorization for Immigrants
12/17/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Multistate Lawsuit Seeking to End Google’s Illegal Monopoly in Search Services
12/17/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Nineteen State Coalition Urging ATF to Regulate Ghost Guns
12/16/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition Seeking to Ensure the White House Maintains Presidential Records
12/09/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Multistate Lawsuit Seeking to End Facebook’s Illegal Monopoly
12/07/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition Opposing HHS Deregulation by the Trump Administration
12/04/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Calls on Congress to Ensure Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccine
12/03/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Announces Indictment of Michael Hirokawa on Multiple Counts
12/01/2020: Attorneys General Urge Congress to Pass Extension for CARES Act Funding as Pandemic Impacts Economy
10/23/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Block Robocall Loopholes
10/22/2020: National (Prescription Drug) Take Back Initiative, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2020
10/22/2020: Hawai‘i Attorney General Challenges Health Care Discrimination
10/16/2020: Circuit Court Decision Upholds Lawfulness of Governor’s Emergency Proclamations
09/29/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Opposes Rule Governing Paycheck Protection Program Loan Appeals
09/24/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Files Brief in Support of States’ Authority to Regulate Price Gouging
09/18/2020: Hawaii Attorney General and the Hawaii State Ethics Commission Join Forces to Address Fraud, Waste and Abuse
09/09/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins 18-State Coalition Supporting California’s Ban on Large-Capacity Magazines
09/08/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Effort to Maintain Access to Reproductive Health Care at Supreme Court
09/01/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Fight Against Efforts to Undermine U.S. Census
09/01/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins the Fight Against Youth Suicide
08/28/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Latest Effort to Protect Dreamers
08/24/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges Congress to Adopt Measures to Expand Funding for Crime Victims
07/21/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Lawsuit Against Health Care Discrimination
07/17/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition Opposing Trump Administration Effort to Upend Existing Asylum System
07/14/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition Urging Increased Childcare Funding
06/30/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges Senate to Pass Law to Fight Shell Companies
06/30/2020: Hawai‘i Attorney General Sues E-Cigarette Giants JUUL and Altria
06/03/2020: Sex Offender Registry Scam
06/01/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition to Stop SNAP Cuts That Would Leave Millions Hungry
05/21/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins 38 Attorneys General in Urging Congress to Fund Expanded Access to Broadband
05/07/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Multistate Coalition Urging Congress to Strengthen Paycheck Protection Program
05/05/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges Senate to Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act
05/05/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Effort to Expand Illegal Robocall Response
05/01/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Multistate Amicus Brief Supporting Baltimore’s Challenge to the Title X Rule
04/22/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges Telecom Companies to Keep Us Connected
04/21/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges 3M to Take Further Measures to Prevent Price Gouging of PPE
04/08/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Seeks to Hold Companies Accountable for Defective Products
04/03/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Effort to Ensure Access to Reproductive Healthcare During Coronavirus Pandemic
03/31/2020: Consumer Alert: Avoid COVID-19 Scams
03/26/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Supports Equitable Coronavirus Relief Funding for the District of Columbia
03/25/2020: Attorney General Urges Vigilance to Keep Children Safe on the Internet
03/19/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Calls for Encouraging Access to Health Coverage During Pandemic
03/18/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Announces Service Changes as Part of Effort to Contain COVID-19
03/12/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Announces Agreement with T-Mobile/Sprint Merger
03/11/2020: The Department of the Attorney General Seeks Proposals for Victim Assistance Grants
03/04/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Opposes President’s Efforts to Impede Investigation
02/27/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges FDA to Strengthen E-Cigarette Enforcement Guidance
02/25/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Bipartisan, Multistate Investigation of JUUL
02/20/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Urges Court to Uphold Preliminary Injunction Against Unconstitutional Abortion Law
02/19/2020: Hawaii AG Continues Multistate Defense of Immigrant Driver Licenses
02/18/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Condemns Roll Back of Anti-Discrimination Protections for Patients and Students
02/11/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Calls on Congress to Take Steps Towards Ratification of Equal Rights Amendment
02/10/2020: New Chief Integrity Adviser Hui Chen
02/06/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition Challenging Federal Immigration Rules
02/04/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Again Seeks Loan Discharge for Students of Closed Dream Center Schools
01/31/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Argue Consumer Refunds Are Critical In Preventing Fraud
01/28/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins a Multistate Brief Challenging Restrictive Abortion Laws
01/23/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Announces Lawsuit over Release of 3D-Printed Guns
01/23/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition Fighting to Ensure Consumer Protections Are Not Reversed
01/22/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Opposes Effort to Prevent SEC From Requiring Fraudulent Actors to Return Profits
01/08/2020: Attorney General Statement on Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Attempt to Avoid Hawai’i’s Civil Enforcement Action
01/03/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Approves Asset Forfeiture Rules
01/03/2020: Hawaii Attorney General Joins Coalition Seeking Supreme Court Review of ACA Repeal Case