The documents provided on this site include only those requests to access government records submitted to the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Chapter 92F, Part II, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and in which a waiver of fees when the public interest is served was requested and granted. Hawaii Administrative Rules § 2-71-31 sets forth the conditions under which a waiver of fees should be granted. It provides, in part, that the record pertains to the operation of an agency, is not readily available to the public, and requester has the primary intention and the actual ability to widely disseminate information from the government record to the general public. The Request to Access A Government Record, Notice to Requester, and documents responsive the request, if any, are posted on this site when provided to the requester.

 Request to Access a Government Record Notice to Requester 
 Request Access to a Government Record – Brian Perry  Notice to Requester re Pardons – Brian Perry
   CJIS Pardons 2010-12-06 to 2014-12-01 Abercrombie with Maui Court