The FC Condition and Compliance Detail screen displays additional information for a specific requirement placed on the juvenile and/or parents(s) by the Family Court that must be satisfied. This screen contains two scrolling parts, the upper portion contains the details of the condition and the lower portion contains the related referral(s) for the condition.
- CIR – the circuit where the condition was initiated.
- FC-J NO – the Family Court’s case number for the juvenile.
- CONDITION – also known as condition and compliance program; this is the description of the specific requirement a juvenile or parent(s) are required to participate in or comply with. Show me the complete list.
- STATUS – the compliance status; this indicates whether the juvenile has complied with the required condition. Show me the complete list.
- START DATE – the date the condition was scheduled to start.
- PROOF OF COMPLIANCE DATE – the date the condition is to be completed.
- END DATE – the date the condition is no longer to be monitored.
- EXT PROOF OF COMPLIANCE DATE – the new date for which a specific condition is to be completed.
- AGENCY – the agency, resource or program where the juvenile is to fulfill the condition. Show me the complete list.
- HOURS ASSIGNED – the hours assessed as part of the condition.
- DOLLARS ASSIGNED – the dollar amount assessed as part of the condition.
- HOURS COMPLETED – the hours completed of the condition.
- DOLLARS PAID – the dollar amount paid as part of the condition.
- REL REF # – the identification number of the associated referral or group for this condition; if it is a group, then multiple lines may display.
- CNT – the Family Court referral count.
- AGY – the agency associated to the referral. Show me the complete list.
- FILE DATE – the date that the petition is filed with the court.
- MOD – a modifier code that may change the nature of the offense, examples of offense modifier codes include At for attempted and CC for conspiracy to commit. Show me the complete list.
- OFFENSE – an abbreviation of the illegal act that is the subject of the referral. Show me the complete list.
- SV – the severity code of the offense; examples of severity codes include FA for “Felony A” offense and SO for “Status Offense”. Show me the complete list.
- SOURCE DOC – the document number assigned by the agency, e.g. police report number assigned by the police department.