The Juvenile Note Information screen displays all Notes from all agencies with the most recent Notes displayed first. Pressing <PF10> displays the Juvenile Note Information Update screen.
- AGENCY (the first field, no heading) – the agency that entered the Note information; an abbreviation is displayed in place of the full agency name. Show me the complete list.
- AGENCY DIVISIONS (the second field, no heading) – agency divisions; Show me the complete list.
- DATE ENTERED – the date that a Note was written.
- DATE REMOVED – the date that the user wants the note to automatically be removed.
- PURGE (the fifth field, no heading) – the PURGE field displays how a note is being purged. Y meaning purge the note when the DATE REMOVED is reached. N meaning “Never Purge”. If DATE REMOVED is blank, there will be an N in the PURGE field.
- USERID – the user that is entering the note.
- NOTE DESCRIPTION (three lines, no heading) – the note.