The Warrant Detail screen displays detailed warrant information. The information above the dashed line is from the Family Court, while the information below the dashed line is from the police.
- CIRCUIT – circuit from which the warrant originated.
- FC-J NO – the Family Court’s case number for the juvenile.
- DESCRIPTION – description of the warrant type. For juveniles, a bench warrant or warrant for arrest of minor are valid.
- STATUS – the current status of the warrant. Valid values are Active, Canceled, Recalled, Executed, Served and Unserved.
- ISSUE DATE – the date the warrant was issued.
- END DATE – the end date of the warrant.
- POLICE AGENCY – the police agency that serviced the warrant.
- POLICE REPORT – the police report number.
- DATE/TIME – date and time the warrant was serviced.
- ARRESTING OFFICER – the officer who serviced the warrant.