Grants and Planning Branch Archives

FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF)

August 24, 2020 – The Department’s Strategic Plan for the State Allocated FY 2020 CESF Strategic Plan Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) program has been revised to implement Phase 2 funding sooner than initially planned due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak on Oahu that is impacting the agencies responsible for criminal justice, public safety and security.

June 3, 2020 –The Department of the Attorney General (Department) completed a Strategic Plan for the State Allocated FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) program.  The CESF program consists of a state allocation of $3,642,919 (administered by the Department) and four local allocations totaling $1,890,028. The local allocations were awarded by U.S. Department of Justice directly to the counties: City & County of Honolulu $1,296,475; Maui County $260,083; Hawaii County $246,300; Kauai County $87,170.  The Department’s role is to administer the state allocated CESF and to ensure that the funds are used in the most advantageous and coordinated manner and when possible, CESF is not duplicative with other Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding.

The Department’s strategy for the state allocated CESF is based on the April 2020 survey of needs for state allocated CESF to address COVID-19; the SLEC and GCOC members and Local JAG recipients status as a recipient or subrecipient of other CARES funding as of May 31, 2020; and the Department’s goal to expend $2,600,000 of the state allocated CESF by December 30, 2020, the same end date as the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF).

FY 2020 CESF Grantee Resources:

John R. Justice (JRJ) Grant Program

The John R. Justice (JRJ) Grant Program provides funding for student loan repayment for local, state, and federal public defenders and local and state prosecutors.  The Department of the Attorney General has been designated by the Governor to administer the JRJ Program for Hawaii.  The Department of the Attorney General has submitted the Hawaii FY 2017 JRJ Program Application.  The Department applied for a total of $97,110 and was awarded a total of $33,001 for the Hawaii FY 2017 JRJ Program.

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Strategies

Effective with the FY 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) award, state administering agencies are required to develop a multi-year statewide strategy to ensure coordination and a more effective functioning of the criminal justice system.  JAG funds are intended to supplement, not supplant, non-Federal funds that would otherwise be available for activities under the JAG program.

Also Available

These documents are Hawaii’s strategy and applications for funding under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program for FY 2004, FY 2005, FY 2006, FY 2007, FY 2008, FY 2009, and FY 2010-2014.

State of Hawaii Strategic Plan for the STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant

The Department of the Attorney General receives federal funds from the U.S. Department of Justice to address violent crimes against adult female victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. The Strategic Plan describes the scope of these problems in Hawaii and the state strategy to address them.

Also Available

FY 2009 Recovery Act Applications

The Department of the Attorney General is the State Administering Agency (SAA), designated by the Governor, to apply for and administer FY 2009 Recovery Act Funds for the following grants:

  • Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) FY 2009 Recovery Act STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
  • Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) FY 2009 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program State Solicitation
  • Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) FY 2009 Recovery Act Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance Formula Grant Program

Applications were submitted to the appropriate federal agencies and are included below.


Mapping a Pathway to Safety: A Community Safety Assessment of the City and County of Honolulu Protective Order Process (June 2016)

This report was partially supported by a Violence Against Women Act Subgrant Number 12-WF-07 awarded by the Hawaii Department of the Attorney General to the Hawaii State Judiciary.

The Honolulu Community Safety Assessment (CSA) Project is a problem-solving process for determining a more effective intervention in domestic violence cases with the goals of enhancing safety of families and communities, while ensuring accountability when intervening in cases involving intimate partner violence. The project uses the nationally recognized model developed by Praxis International, and is based on the premise that workers are institutionally organized to do their jobs in particular ways — they are guided by the forms, policies, philosophy, and routine work practices of their respective institution. The CSA is designed to allow an interagency assessment team to work with a multidisciplinary body of public and domestic violence advocacy organizations, to identify how problems are produced in the structure of case processing and management. The process focused on the critical Assessment Question: How does our Temporary Restraining Order/Protection Order application and issuance process allow us to keep victims safe, and thereby hold offenders accountable?

Navigating a Course for Peace, Domestic Violence Strategic Plan 2007-2012

(December 2006)

The 2005 Hawaii Legislature directed the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) to work with domestic violence service providers to develop a five-year strategic plan to reduce the incidence of domestic violence and to increase support to victims. The Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, a statewide coalition of domestic violence service providers, was selected to develop the strategic plan, in collaboration with the DOH, Maternal and Child Health Branch. The plan is integrated in the 2007 DOH Annual Report for the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Special Fund.

Hawaii Statewide Strategic Plan for Victim Services (October 2005)

This report was prepared through a collaborative statewide effort of both government and non-governmental organizations to highlight the special needs of underserved victims of crime in Hawaii, including tourist/visitors, immigrants or persons with limited English proficiency, persons with disabilities, and the elderly.

Shaping Tomorrow: The Future of Sexual Violence Programs in Hawaii  (January 2005)

Under a Federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Grant, the Department of the Attorney General convened a multi-disciplinary Sexual Violence Strategic Planning Group of state and local criminal justice personnel, sexual violence service providers, and government stakeholders to review and make recommendations on the current status of sexual violence programs and funding. The Sex Abuse Treatment Center of the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children served as the lead agency for this project.

The Sexual Violence Strategic Planning Group presents this document as a vision for the coordination and sustainability of sexual violence services throughout the State of Hawaii. The impact of sexual violence in our community is immeasurable. The planning committee considers this document a starting point for constructive dialogue.