The Combine Add screen allows a user to combine juvenile records in JJIS that have been assigned more than one JJIS ID. The user may enter a JJIS ID, then use a picklist <PF4> to fill in the agency and Agency ID fields. To verify that the records to be combined are correct the following fields are also filled in: Last, First and Middle names, Date of Birth, and Sex (Source and Target). “Source” refers to the juvenile from which data is moved from. “Target” refers to the juvenile to which data is moved to.
- REQUEST DATE – the date of the combine request.
- REQUEST REASON – the code to indicate the reason for the combining of juveniles; an abbreviation is displayed. (e.g. FP for fingerprint ID matching). Show me the complete list.
- TARGET JJIS ID – the JJIS identification number for the target juvenile to which data is moved to.
- AGENCY – the agency code of the target juvenile; an abbreviation is displayed. (e.g. HPD for Honolulu Police Department). Show me the complete list.
- AGENCY ID – the agency identification number assigned to the target juvenile.
- LAST NAME – the last name of the target juvenile.
- FIRST – the first name of the target juvenile.
- MIDDLE – the middle name of the target juvenile.
- DATE OF BIRTH – the birth date of the target juvenile.
- LAST NAME – the last name of the target juvenile.
- FIRST – the first name of the target juvenile.
- MIDDLE – the middle name of the target juvenile.
- DATE OF BIRTH – the date of birth of the target juvenile.
- SEX – the sex code of the target juvenile; an abbreviation is displayed. (e.g. M for male). Show me the complete list.
- SOURCE JJIS ID – the JJIS identification number for the source juvenile from which data is moved from.
- AGENCY – the agency code of the source juvenile; an abbreviation is displayed. (e.g. KPD for Kauai Police Department). Show me the complete list.
- AGENCY ID – the agency identification number assigned to the source juvenile.
- LAST NAME – the last name of the source juvenile.
- FIRST – the first name of the source juvenile.
- MIDDLE – the middle name of the source juvenile.
- DATE OF BIRTH – the date of birth of the source juvenile.
- SEX – the sex code of the source juvenile.