The Composite Information screen displays a comprehensive view of the juvenile. This information on the juvenile is compiled using all existing information, i.e. from all agencies.
- NUMBER OF OFFENSES – the number of police initial offenses that exist for this juvenile, where an offense is defined as any violation of the law. Additional information may be viewed on the Offense History Information Summary screen.
- NUMBER OF CHARGES – the number of petitions filed by the court alleging an offense committed by a juvenile. Additional information may be viewed on the FC Referral Summary screen.
- DATE OF LAST OFFENSE – the most recent date the juvenile violated the law.
- OUTSTANDING WARRANTS – A Y or N flag that indicates whether or not the juvenile has any unresolved warrants. Additional information may be viewed on the Warrant Summary screen.
- SPECIAL INFO FLAGS – A Y or N flag that indicates whether or not the juvenile has special information flags. Additional information may be viewed on the Special Information Flags Inquiry screen.
- CIRCUIT/LEGAL STATUS – if the juvenile has an active legal status, this line displays the circuit that established the legal status and the description. Additional information may be viewed on the Legal Status Summary screen.
- NUMBER OF ADJUDICATIONS – the number of judicial determinations of an allegation included on the petition, excluding waiver petitions. Additional information may be viewed on the FC Referral Summary screen.
- DATE OF LAST ADJUDICATION – the most recent date that the juvenile was adjudicated.
- ADJUDICATED CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS – the number of adjudications where the law violation involved a person(s).
- CURRENTLY IN PHYSICAL LOCATION – A Y or N flag that indicates whether or not the juvenile resides in a placement or residential program facility. Additional information may be viewed on the Physical Location Summary screen.
- CURRENTLY IN PROGRAM – A Y or N flag that indicates whether or not the juvenile is enrolled in a juvenile program. Additional information may be viewed on the Program Information Summary screen.
- PAROLE OFFICER – the name of the parole officer assigned to the juvenile.
- PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S) – the name of the person(s) associated to the juvenile. The screen displays up to two entries using the format Last Name, First Name and optional Middle Name or Initial. Additional information may be viewed on the Associated/Related Person Summary screen.
- REL – the abbreviation for relationship code; this code refers to the relationship of the associated person to the juvenile. Show me the complete list.
- HOME PHONE – the resident phone number of the associated person.
- BUS PHONE – the business phone number of the associated person.