The FC Condition and Compliance Summary screen displays a list of specific requirements placed on the juvenile and/or parent(s) by the Family Court that must be satisfied. The conditions are displayed by Start Date with the most recent listed first.
- CIR – the circuit where the condition was initiated.
- CONDITION – also known as condition and compliance program; this is the abbreviation that describes the type of specific requirement a juvenile or parent(s) are required to participate in or comply with. Show me the complete list.
- START DATE – the date the condition was scheduled to start.
- PROOF OF COMPL DATE – the date the condition is to be completed.
- REF OR GRP – the type and identification number of the associated referral or group.
- STATUS – the compliance status code; this indicates whether the juvenile has complied with the required condition. Show me the complete list.
- END DATE – the date the condition is no longer to be monitored.