The FC Referral Detail screen displays a complete listing of documents or request for a juvenile that was submitted to the Family Court for action or disposition. The referrals are displayed by Date and Referral Number, with the most recent listed first.
- ENTERED BY – agency that entered the referral; an abbreviation is displayed (e.g. HPD for Honolulu Police Department).
- ON – the date the referral information was entered.
- LAST UPD – the date the referral information was updated.
- CIR – the circuit where the referral was initiated.
- FC-J NO – the Family Court’s case number for the juvenile.
- REF # – the number that the Family Court uses to identify each referral. It is an identification number assigned by the Family Court JUSTIS system.
- REF GRP – the number that the Family Court assigns to identify a group of referrals.
- PET GRP – the number that the Family Court assigns to identify one or petitions that are filed against a juvenile that will be processed together.
- SOURCE DOC – the document number assigned by the referral source agency (e.g. police report number assigned by the police department).
- REF DATE – the date that the referral was initiated in the respective circuit.
- REF SOURCE – the agency or individual initiating the referral. Show me the complete list.
- PET FILED DATE – the date that the petition is filed with the court.
- REF RSN – an abbreviation is displayed of the illegal act that is the subject of the referral. Show me the complete list.
- OFFENSE DATE – the date the offense took place.
- AMD REF RSN – a change in the referral reason. Show me the complete list.
- IA AGREEMENT DATE – date of informal adjustment; an informal adjustment is a non-judicial termination of a referral subject to the juvenile admitting responsibility for the alleged offense, and the juvenile and parents agreeing to conclude the matter administratively and without a hearing.
- PLEA – the juvenile’s answer to a petition. Show me the complete list.
- CHANGE OF PLEA – a change to the plea. Show me the complete list.
- ADJ RESULT – the adjudication result. It is a judicial determination that the allegation has been proven and which places the juvenile under the jurisdiction of the court. Note that only one, either the ADJ DATE or REF TERM REASON, will exist for a referral. Show me the complete list.
- REF TERM TYPE – the date that corresponds to the application of the termination type. Show me the complete list.
- REF TERM REASON – the reason the referral was terminated through the non-judicial action process. Note that only one, either the ADJ DATE or REF TERM REASON, will exist for a referral. Show me the complete list.