The Prosecutor Info Add/Update screen displays and updates demographic, charge, and associated person information for agencies KPA, MPA, AGCJ, and AGFL. Pressing <PF9> twice allows the user to add and update the Prosecutor Info.
- JJIS ID – the juvenile’s identification number.
- AGENCY ID – the identifier assigned by user agency. It should contain only alphabets and numbers. Agencies that do not have an internal ID will have the system assign the JJIS ID as the agency ID.
- LAST NAME, FIRST MIDDLE – the juvenile’s last name, first name, and middle name. The last name and first names are required fields.
- ALIAS LAST NAME, FIRST MIDDLE – the juvenile’s alias last name, first name, and middle name.
- DOB – the juvenile’s date of birth. This is a required field.
- SEX – the juvenile’s gender. This is a require field.
- SSN – the juvenile’s social security number.
- ADDRESS – the juvenile’s address.
- CITY – the city of the corresponding address.
- STATE – the state of the corresponding address; an abbreviation is display (e.g. HI for Hawaii).
- ZIP – 5 digit zip code for the corresponding street address.
- PHONE – the juvenile’s home phone.
- POL – the police agency of the police number. This is a required field.
- POL RPT – the police report number. This is the report number that will be used for connecting to the different agencies. This is a required field.
- CNT – the police report number count.
- MOD – a modifier code that may change the nature of the offense; an abbreviation is used. Show me the complete list.
- CHARGE DESCRIPTION – a description of the illegal act that is the subject of the police report. This is a required field. The user may enter either the Description or the HRS Code. If the user enters the Description, the screen displays the associated HRS Code. If the user needs assistance in populating this field, the user may enter a partial description and have the screen display all possible matches. This is a required field. Show me the complete list.
- HRS CODE – the citation of statute, ordinance or provision that defines the offense; most likely a State statute or county ordinance. The user may enter either the HRS Code or the Description. If the user enters the HRS Code, the screen displays the associated Description. If the user needs assistance in populating this field, the user may enter a partial HRS Code and have the screen display all possible matches. Show me the complete list.
- SEV – the severity code of the offense; an abbreviation is displayed (e.g. FA for “Felony A” and SO for “Status Offense”. Show me the complete list.
- ADD ON – added on charge indicator; “Y” meaning an added on charge, “N” meaning not an added on charge. This is a required field.
- DISPO – this code refers to the agency’s disposition or status of the offense. This is a required field. When the user populates this field, the screen displays the associated description. Show me the complete list.
- DISPO DATE/TIME – the date and time of the agency disposition. This is a required field.
- RECEIVED DATE FROM POLICE – the date that the charge info was received from the police agencies.
- STAFF PERSON ASSIGNED – the staff that assigned to this case.
- PARENT/GUARDIAN/ASSOCIATED PERSON – the last name, first name, and middle name of the juvenile’s associated person.
- REL – the associated person’s relationship with the juvenile. Show me the complete list.
- HOME PHONE – the associated person’s home phone number.
- BUSINESS PHONE – the associated person’s work phone number.
NOTE: Headings for all required fields are displayed in red.