Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance Formula Grant

Click here to download:  Impact of VOCA Funding in Hawaii FY 2023

The Victims of Crime Act of 1984, Public Law 98-473, as amended, and codified at 34 U.S.C. § 20101, et seq. (VOCA) established the Crime Victims Fund in the United States Department of Treasury to collect the fines assessed against Federal criminals and serve as the funding source for carrying out all of the activities authorized by VOCA, including the VOCA Victim Assistance Grant Program (VOCA Grant). The primary purpose of the VOCA Grant is to support the provision of direct services to victims of crime. In Hawaii, the Department of the Attorney General, Crime Prevention and Justice Division (CPJAD) Grants & Planning Branch is the State Administering Agency (SAA) for the VOCA grant funds.

VOCA provides Federal financial assistance to States to provide direct services to victims of crime.  Services are defined as those efforts that: 1) respond to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims; 2) assist primary and secondary victims of crime to stabilize their lives after victimization; 3) assist victims of crime to understand and participate in the criminal justice system; or 4) provide victims of crime with a measure of safety and security.

Funding for the program is provided by fines collected from Federal criminals, and not by Congressional appropriation or tax dollars. The program is administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC).


VOCA requires at least a 20% match of the total VOCA project.

For awards made from March 1, 2020 to May 10, 2024:

  • A blanket 100% match waiver is approved for all awards during the national emergency period due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For awards made after May 10, 2024:

  • In natural disaster situations, VOCA allows for a match waiver. Because of the Maui wildfire natural disaster, a blanket 100% match waiver is approved for all awards made after May 10, 2024. See VOCA Match Wavier Policy effective May 10, 2024, below. The match waiver policy will be reviewed in two years and revised, as necessary.

VOCA Match Waiver Policy Effective May 10 2024


A minimum of 10% of Hawaii’s VOCA funds must be budgeted to each of the following priority areas:

  • Sex Assault
  • Domestic Violence
  • Child Abuse
  • Underserved Population (i.e., Hawaii’s definition of undeserved includes victims of assault, adults molested as children, victims that are tourists/visitors, immigrants/victims with Limited English Proficiency, elderly, persons with disabilities, survivors of homicide/negligent homicide, victims of DUI/DWI, victims of property crimes, victims of sex trafficking, LGBTQQ victims, and those victims of crime residing in rural or geographically isolated area.)


  • Public or private non-profit organizations that provide direct services to crime victims.
  • Criminal justice agencies such as law enforcement, prosecutor offices, courts, corrections, probation and parole authorities are eligible to help pay for victim services.  For example, prosecutor-based victim services may include victim-witness programs, victim notification, and victim impact statements.  Corrections-based victim services my include victim notification, restitution advocacy, victim-offender mediation, and victim impact panels.  Police-based victim services may include victim crisis units or victim advocates, victim registration and notification, and cell phone and alarm services for domestic abuse victims.  VOCA funds may be used to provide victim services that exceed law enforcement normal duties.  Regular law enforcement duties such as crime scene intervention, questioning of victims and witnesses, investigation of the crime, and follow-up activities may not be paid for with VOCA funds.
  • Eligible recipients must utilize volunteers.
  • Eligible recipients must assist victims in seeking crime victim compensation benefits.


Below is a list of the FY 2020 (De-Obligated Funds), FY 2021, and FY 2022 VOCA sub-grantee awards.

FY 2020 (De-Obligated)      
Agency Project Title Description Amount
Child and Family Service Maintaining and Increasing the Availability and Access of Vital Safety/Economic Empowerment Resources Emergency shelter and support services to adults who are at-risk or survivors of domestic violence on Oahu and Hawaii Island. $169,920
Maui Family Support Services Concrete Supports and Navigation Services Support service for victims of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault in Maui, Molokai and Lanai. $200,000
Parents And Children Together Maui Temporary Restraining Order Services for Domestic Violence Victims-Survivors TRO assistance and supplemental services to victims of domestic violence on Maui, Lanai and Molokai. $83,860
Women in Need Victims of Crime Wellness Program Services to respond to the emotional, physical, and psychological needs of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault on Oahu, including traditional, cultural, or alternative therapies. $61,821
FY 2022      
Agency Project Title Description Amount
Maui Prosecutor’s Office Special Needs Advocacy Project Victim witness counselor services to victims of crime on Maui, Lanai and Molokai. $537,300
Honolulu Prosecutor’s Office Victim Witness Kokua Services Project Victim witness counselor services to victims of crime on Oahu. $1,36,0079
Kauai Prosecutor’s Office Kauai Victim of Crime Expansion Project Victim witness counselor services to victims of crime on Kauai. $235,881
Hawaii Prosecutor’s Office Victim/Assistance Program Victim witness counselor services to victims of crime on Hawaii Island. $818,940
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Victim Restitution Collection Team for Public Safety Assistance with restitution and other post conviction services for victims of crime Statewide. $107,472
Catholic Charities Hawaii Kuola – Hawaii Island Crisis intervention and trauma treatment to child abuse victims under the age of 18 on Hawaii Island. $500,000
Domestic Violence Action Center Legal and Advocacy Services for Survivors of Family Violence HELPLINE assistance, Intimate Partner Violence education, risk assessments, safety planning, crisis support, and referrals to survivors of family violence on Oahu.  $499,992
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children/SATC Let Healing Begin Counseling services, with a focus on heathy coping and safety planning, to victims of sexual assault on Oahu.  $436,087
Maui Youth and Family Services, Inc. Safe House Shelter for Girls Shelter services for female and LGBTQQ adolescent child abuse victims on Maui.  $500,000
Residential Youth Services & Empowerment Makiki House Shelter, transitional housing, behavioral health, and other services to homeless youth who are victims of crime on Oahu.  $500,000
Susannah Wesley Community Center Trafficking Victim Assistance Program – Outpatient Treatment Mental health services to victims of all ages of sex trafficking on Oahu.  $500,000
Women in Need Victim of Crime Support Services  Housing assistance, mental health counseling, and mentorship support for sex assault victims on Oahu.  $332,353
FY 2023      
Agency Project Title Description Amount
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Victim Restitution Collection Team for Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Assistance with restitution and other post conviction services for victims of crime Statewide. $141,203
Adult Friends for Youth Redirectional Therapy (RT)
Counseling Program
Direct counseling and support services and educational, and employment support to youth offenders who are also victims on Oahu. $263,322
Catholic Charities Hawaii Kupuna to Kamalii Therapeutic services and housing referrals to crime victims, particularly Native Hawaiians, the elderly, and homeless in Oahu. $140,000
Child and Family Service Sustaining & Maintaining Vital Sex Assault Services on Maui and Molokai 24/7 hotline phone support, crisis stabilization, outreach, systems engagement, clinical therapy, and case management for sexual assault victims on Maui and Molokai $404,013
Domestic Violence Action Center Pulama I Ka ‘Ohana: Support for Child Witnesses of Domestic Violence Support groups, long-term advocacy, referrals, and safety planning for domestic violence survivors and their children on Oahu. $499,984
Hoola Na Pua Pathways to Resiliency Residential treatment, clinical services and other coordinated services for youthful and young adult victims of unwanted sexual assault and sexual exploitation in Hawaii. $381,522
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children/SATC Nurturing Healthier Communities through Healing Crisis stabilization and case management services, short-term counseling and victim support services, legal information, accompaniment, and advocacy on Oahu. $341,731
Maui Youth and Family Services Safe House Care Coordination and Operational Support Shelter services for female adolescent child abuse victims on Maui. $500,000
Parents And Children Together PACT Family Peace Center Victim Services Group and individual counseling services to support victims of childhood sexual abuse and survivors of domestic violence on Oahu. $499,696
Women Helping Women Community-Based Advocacy Program Assistance with Temporary Restraining Orders and court accompaniment to hearings for victims of domestic violence on Maui and Lanai. $191,240



Plan for Training Victim Service Providers in Hawaii




For FY 2023, Hawaii was awarded $6,156,448 in VOCA Assistance funds, a decrease of $391,338 from the previous year. In December 2023, CPJAD sent a needs assessment survey to VOCA recipients in Hawaii to obtain information about priorities for crime victim services that should be supported by VOCA.  There were 12 participants in the community needs assessment survey, with at least one participant representing victim services providers for each county. The most pressing service needs for victims appear to be assistance finding housing/ employment, and mental health/substance abuse/medical treatment that is accessible for victims with their various financial and legal situations. (Note that medical treatment is a not VOCA covered cost.)Two participants specified that there were extra needs for victims following the 2023 wildfires on Maui, with one participant pointing out increased issues with housing and the other writing about the emotional impact on victims.  The most pressing issues for victims that agencies are currently faced with are the lack of access to affordable housing options, childcare/ transportation, and mental health/substance abuse treatment services.

In October and November 2018, CPJAD conducted a survey and series of community focus groups to gather feedback on the gaps and needs in services to victims of crime in Hawaii and to collect suggestions to improve and expand these services.  Overall, 185 people submitted a survey and 38 people participated in focus groups (Hawaii County – 8, City and County of Honolulu – 12, Kauai – 12, Maui – 6). Additionally, 4 interviews were completed to ensure representation from the different VOCA priority areas and populations.


Hawaii has received a substantial increases in funding from the Federal VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant, from $2.2 million in federal FY 2014 to $10.1 million in federal FY 2016. These additional funds will provide Hawaii with an opportunity to increase direct services to victims of crime. It is also important to ensure that VOCA victim assistance providers are adequately and appropriately trained in working with victims.  The Department contracted with Ho’omaluhia, a Hawaii based program of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute, to conduct a training need assessment of victim service providers in Hawaii. A VOCA Training Advisory Committee was convened to assist with developing a plan for training victim service providers in Hawaii.


CPJAD is providing an electronic bulletin board of trainings for government and nonprofit agencies serving crime victims in the State.  Agencies and individuals are invited to submit training flyers with registration information to [email protected] to be posted on the Training Events Bulletin Board.


VOCA recipients are required to submit the following reports:

Program Reporting

Fiscal Reporting



 Allowable Costs 

  • Immediate Health and Safety. Those services which respond to the immediate emotional and physical needs (excluding medical care) of crime victims such as crisis intervention; accompaniment to hospitals for medical examinations; hotline counseling; emergency food, clothing, transportation and shelter (including emergency, short-term nursing home shelter for elder abuse victims for whom no other safe, short-term residence is available); and other emergency services that are intended to restore the victim’s sense of security. Also allowable under this category is emergency legal assistance such as filing restraining orders and obtaining emergency custody/visitation rights, boarding-up broken windows and/or replacing locks.
  • Personal Advocacy and Emotional Support. Services such as working with the victim to assess the impact of the crime; identification of victim needs; case management; management of practical problems created by the victimization; provision of information and referrals; traditional, cultural, and/or alternative therapy/healing (e.g. art therapy; yoga).
  • Mental Health Assistance. Services that assist the primary and secondary victims of crime in understanding the dynamics of victimization and in stabilizing their lives after victimization such as counseling, group treatment, and therapy.
  • Assistance with Participation in Criminal Justice Proceedings. These services may include advocacy on behalf of crime victims; accompaniment to criminal justice offices and court; transportation to court; child care or respite care to enable a victim to attend court; notification of victims regarding trial dates, case disposition information, and parole consideration procedures; and assistance with victim statements.
  • Forensic Examinations. For sexual assault victims, forensic exams are allowable costs only to the extent that other funding sources are unavailable or insufficient, and such exams conform with state evidentiary collection requirements.
  • Costs Necessary and Essential to Providing Direct Services. Pro-rated costs of rent, telephone services, and transportation costs for victims to receive services, emergency transportation costs that enable a victim to participate in the criminal justice system, and local travel expenses for service providers are allowable.
  • Special Services. Services to assist crime victims with managing practical problems created by the victimization such as acting on behalf of the victim to other service providers, creditors, or employers; assisting the victim to recover property that is retained as evidence; assisting in filing for compensation benefits; and helping to apply for public assistance.
  • Personnel Costs. Costs that are directly related to providing direct services, such as staff salaries and fringe benefits, including malpractice insurance; the cost of advertising to recruit VOCA-funded personnel; and the costs of training paid and  volunteer staff.
  • Restorative Justice. Opportunities for crime victims to meet with perpetrators, if such meetings are requested or voluntarily agreed to by the victim and have possible beneficial or therapeutic value to crime victims.
  • Perpetrator Rehabilitation and Counseling. VOCA funds do support rehabilitative services provided to offenders who are victimized. This includes services to incarcerated individuals, when the service pertains to the victimization of that individual
  • Relocation Expenses. This would include moving expenses, mortgage payments, and rental deposits.
  • Transportation. Transportation of victims to receive services and to participate in criminal justice proceedings.
  • Public Awareness. VOCA funds can be used for public awareness and education campaigns in schools, community centers, and other public forums that are designed to inform crime victims of specific rights and services and provide them with (or refer them to) services and assistance.

 Allowable Costs Needing CPJAD Approval 

  • Skills Training for Staff (*should not be a significant percentage of the total VOCA award; training request above 10% must obtain CPJAD approval)
  • Training Materials
  • Training Related Travel
  • Equipment and Furniture
  • Leasing Vehicles
  • Advanced Technologies (i.e. Case Management systems; automated victim notification systems, etc.)
  • Contracts for Professional Services (NOTE: VOCA funds should not be used to support contract services. However, it may be necessary for VOCA subrecipients to use a portion of the VOCA grant to contract specialized services such as assistance in filing restraining orders, establishing emergency custody rights.)
  • Operating Costs (i.e. printing, supplies, equipment use fees, etc.)
  • Supervision of Direct Service Providers
  • Repair of Replacement of Essential Items
  • Public Presentations
  • Indirect Organizational Costs (Federally negotiated rate/10% de minimis)
  • Legal Services

Unallowable Costs

  • Lobbying and Administrative Advocacy. VOCA funds cannot support victim legislation or administrative reform, whether conducted directly or indirectly.
  • Research and Studies. VOCA funds do not support any efforts conducted to study and/or research particular crime victim issues.
  • Prosecution Activities. VOCA funds cannot pay for activities that are directly related for the purpose of prosecution and/or improving the criminal justice system’s effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Fundraising activities.
  • Compensation for Victims of Crime. Reimbursing victims for expenses incurred as a result of crime such as lost wages, replacement of stolen property, insurance deductibles, medical bills, and funeral expenses are not supported with VOCA funds.
  • Medical Care. This includes examples such as nursing home care, home health care costs, in-patient treatment costs, hospital care, etc. VOCA funds cannot support medical costs resulting from victimization, except for forensic medical examinations for sex assault victims.
  • Salaries and Expenses of Management Salaries, benefits, fees, furniture, equipment, and other expenses of executive directors, board members and other administrators
  • Activities Exclusively Related to Crime Prevention.
  • Capital Expenses. Capital improvements, property losses and expenses, real estate purchases, mortgage payments, and construction.